Accrediting individuals, organizations, or trainers with AASSQLM can provide them with recognition and credibility as trusted Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality Management professionals or service providers. Here’s how AASSQLM can structure its own accreditation process for various stakeholders:
Professionals who want to be accredited by AASSQLM as certified experts in Lean, Six Sigma, or Quality Management.
The individual must have successfully completed the relevant AASSQLM certification exams (Lean Specialist, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, or Lean Leader/Manager).
Applicants can submit proof of real-world projects they have led or contributed to, showcasing their application of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies.
A panel of AASSQLM experts reviews the submitted projects and credentials.
Once approved, the individual will be accredited as an AASSQLM-recognized professional, able to add this distinction to their credentials and resume.
Organizations and trainers that offer Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality Management training programs and want to be recognized as accredited providers by AASSQLM.
Training providers must submit an application outlining their course structure, curriculum, and training methodology.
The training program must align with AASSQLM’s Body of Knowledge (BOK) for each certification level, ensuring the content reflects the most current industry standards.
Trainers should submit their qualifications, including certifications, project experience, and teaching credentials.
AASSQLM will review the program materials, curriculum, and trainer credentials to ensure they meet accreditation standards.
Once approved, the provider will be accredited by AASSQLM and listed as an official training provider on the website.
Consulting firms specializing in Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality Management that wish to be recognized by AASSQLM for their expertise and methodologies.
Consulting firms must submit a portfolio of past projects demonstrating their expertise in Lean and Six Sigma implementations.
Provide case studies showing how Lean and Six Sigma strategies improved business processes and efficiency for their clients.
Submit the certifications and qualifications of consultants working within the firm, particularly those who have AASSQLM certifications.
AASSQLM will review the firm’s portfolio, methodologies, and team credentials to assess alignment with AASSQLM standards.
The firm will be accredited by AASSQLM as an official consulting partner.
Companies that want their internal Lean and Six Sigma training programs to be accredited by AASSQLM, ensuring they align with industry standards.
Corporations must submit their internal training program outline, including objectives, course structure, and expected outcomes.
The training program must align with the AASSQLM Body of Knowledge for Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality Management certifications.
Corporations must provide the credentials of the internal trainers and leaders facilitating the training.
AASSQLM will evaluate the curriculum, content, and trainer qualifications to ensure they meet the accreditation criteria.
Once the program is accredited, the corporation can offer accredited in-house training that prepares employees for AASSQLM certification exams.
Accreditation by AASSQLM ensures that individuals, training providers, and firms meet the highest standards in Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality Management.
Accredited members gain global recognition as trusted providers of Lean and Six Sigma services and training.
Accredited professionals and organizations gain access to exclusive resources, updated industry trends, and the latest AASSQLM Body of Knowledge (BOK).
Accredited training providers, consultants, and firms are listed on the AASSQLM website, increasing their visibility within the industry and providing networking opportunities.
AASSQLM accreditation assures clients and employers that accredited individuals and firms deliver consistent, high-quality services and training programs.
This accreditation structure allows professionals, organizations, and firms to gain official recognition from AASSQLM, strengthening their market position and ensuring they meet industry standards